2x Barrel, Zinc Electroplating Lines & Effluent Treatment Plant Sold and Decommissioned
Stanley Engineered Fastening, Warrington, UK
Disposal of plating shop for a worldwide group restructuring plating facilities.
2x high volume (20 tons/day), barrel, zinc electroplating lines & effluent treatment plant
A successful sale and removal of this plant was achieved turning an operational and environmental liability into a asset that returned cash funds to the owner to mitigate reorganisation and dilapidation costs.
Additionally a subcontract facility gained extra capacity at significantly reduced cost compared to new facilities minimising their time to achieving a return on investment.
Due to internal reorganisation of Stanley Engineer Fastenings, a major global manufacturer of fastenings, this facility became available.
Riley Surface World were engaged by the Avdel group late into the restructuring process with deadlines from stakeholders such as the landlord looming.
With a capacity in excess of 20 tonnes per day these high volume electroplating lines were being used for automotive fastenings with this part of the process due to be outsourced. The process was a zinc acid but it was clear these lines were suitable for zinc nickel, zinc alkaline, copper and nickel processes etc.
Worth in excess of £3 million for equivalent new facility and with recent barrel and transporter refurbishment of circa £75,000 the potential value was clear to Riley Surface World.
A professional marketing strategy was put in place including photos and videos. Potential buyers were notified via email, social media, outbound telephone and networking driving footfall to full details on the Riley Surface World web site. Several parties expressed an interest with a buyer selected based on both financial and operational factors.
A managed industrial cleaning and removal was undertaken by Riley Surface World teams under Environmental Agency requirements for the surrender of a PPC Permit.
The plant consisted of:
Line 1: 48 station (10 plating) 1200mm Barrel Zinc Plating Line
Fully automated line with rectifiers, control, filters, fume scrubbing etc.
Steimel robotic centrifugal drying plant
Skako Comessa feed chute and barrel weigh loader
17 x Refurbished 1200mm barrels and rigs
4 x Full automatic Transporters
Comprehensive Spares
Line 2: 21 station (6 plating) 1200mm Barrel Zinc Plating Line
Fully automated line with rectifiers, control, filters, fume scrubbing etc.
9 x 1200mm barrels and rigs
WMV centrifugal semi-automatic dryer system
Full automatic Transporter
Effluent Treatment Plant - pH adjusting and sludge compacting
Complete facility including pH correction 3 x 37,000 litre conical settlement tanks & Filter press
Birlec Heat Treatment cell/ semi auto loading Facility
2x Birlec furnaces with handling and drying

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Electroplating Plating Plant, Effluent Treatment Plant Plant, Decommissioning Service
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